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9Craig9 27 дней назад
When I was a young guy 12/14 my mother had a ladyfriend visit on weekends. She was so pretty but what I remember was getting to see her get dressed and undressed all the time. Big, white lace panties, lace bras & all kinds of pretty half slips. When they would go out I would run upstairs and go through her lingerie trying on her slips & panties & even, girdles. Once I started masturbating into her things I couldn't stop. Sixty years later I still use lingerie to jerk off with.
This takes me back to 1977, when I was dating my first wife before we were married. She was a senior at a catholic high school. She wore the same kind of skirt this girl did. Same white panty briefs under her pantyhose. I worked 3rd shift and she came over to my parents' house early in the afternoon, hours before anyone was home. She drove me nuts one time coming over late and told me she stayed over to watch a guy friend of hers wrestle in the gym. After I heard that, I lifted that little skirt of hers up, pulled the panties down just far enough and after pinning her blasted the biggest load in her that she said she ever had inside her. Ever since then she was always late knowing it would drive me nuts and ready to bust my pants until she came over.
Very sexy controlled domination. Perfectly done. Her bare bottom is lovely, especially when reddened with spanking.
tallcoolone1980 3 года назад
This is what i call female bonding. This is the exact kind i want.